
woensdag 1 mei 2013

Affordable neutral palettes - series part 3

Hello sweeties!
Today I'm going to continue my affordable products series! I'm going to be talking about affordable neutral palettes. Neutral palettes are a must if you're going for the vintage/pin-up girl look. But you don't want to be spending a lot of money just to look decent! Here are some of the neutral palettes that I own and I love them very much!
Cheap and good quality!

The first palettes are the ones that I use the most. You can see it as well, I've hit pan on almost every palette in the picture.
The first palette, below on the left is by Paris Memories. The palette is called "Shade 29". It holds a beautiful champagne colour, a taupe colour, a skin coloured eyeshadow and a dark brown eyeshadow. I don't use the dark brown, it just broke. I do use the other colours and I absolutely love them! Good for a casual day but also really nice on special occasions.

Above my Paris Memories palette is a neutral palette by Essence. It's called "To Die For" and holds four neutral brown toned colours. Basic colours, great pigmentation, really cheap! I've been using this one a lot lately!

Next to it is my FM palette, this palette wasn't in stores but I got it at a homeparty, from a makeup artist. Just like the Essence one it holds really cute basic colours. The palette was $15 which isn't that cheap but okay... The pigmentation is really really good and I just love wearing these colours.

And then I have a palette by Hema, which is only available in Belgium and Holland I believe. I've completely ran out of one of the colours, which is a bit annoying because this is probably my favourite of all the palettes. It was my first palette and all the colours suit me, which is rare. Perfect for porselain skin ladies.

- Love, Mamie Monroe ♥

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